المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : الجولة الأولى

Math _student
25-07-2007, 11:06 PM
Question 1
The answer is:
1=<sup>x3</sup> + <sup>y3</sup> + <sup>z2</sup>= 1+0+0=0+1+0 =0+0+1= -1+1+1=1+-1+1
Question 2
The answer is:
x(<sup>x2</sup>-4)<sup>x2</sup>/4squar root of (<sup>x2</sup>-4)<sup>3</sup>

Question 3
The answer is:
5 cos 90 + 3cos 30+ 4 cos 60 ≤ 5+4+3/2

4.5 ≤ 6

Question 4
The answer is:
Only one natural number when

The prime number is 3

Question 5
The answer is:
Since an > 0 , bn > 0
And 1/ an, 1/ bn
Approach to zero so the sequences an and bn
Is grater than 20

26-07-2007, 12:15 AM
:wave:Math _student:t:

however to grant you full marks , we need you to write the detailed answers

Welcome to the contest :w:

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